what would you do

Young man spikes a woman’s drink at a bar

Mother can only afford one meal to share with her family | WWYD

What Would You Do: Waitress discriminates against Muslim family | WWYD

Creep at the gym takes pictures of woman working out | WWYD

A white mom is shocked her son is dating a Black woman

Potential Predator Approaches Teen Girl | What Would You Do? | WWYD

Homeless woman seeks a meal at a restaurant l WWYD

Customers ridicule waiter for stuttering | What Would You Do? | WWYD

Parent unable to afford child’s birthday gift

Parental stress and the screentime debate

What would you do?!😇

What Would You Do: A veteran cannot afford groceries

Job applicants in Texas questioned on their immigration status

Man is shamed for working at grocery store | What Would You Do? | WWYD

What would you do?

Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public | What Would You Do?

Predatory manager makes an inappropriate request to his client

Man insults restaurant customer who has Down syndrome l What Would You Do

Black woman faces hair discrimination during job interview l WWYD

Male soldier berated because of homosexuality l What Would You Do

Unsatisfied customer berates employee for not getting her order right

Pregnant woman struggles to afford food

Gay Adoption | What Would You Do? | WWYD

What Would You Do: Sales clerk discriminates against Sikh man